Since 1993
Why "Your Traveling Nanny?"
“Not all who wander are lost.” ~ JRR Tolkien
In sharing my experiences as a grandmother who travels, my goal is to ease and add value to your own gentle journeys, no matter your age. If you're more of an "armchair tourist," you're still welcome to come along for the ride. Eventually, the photo gallery will be a larger part of the site.
The blog will include travel tips, travelogs and essays, and reviews of hotels, attractions, restaurants, and transportation vendors.
I've gathered links to other sites, including some for travel related products, in order to provide a sort of clearinghouse of pertinent information as you consider your next journey. I am always reading, and am on the mailing list for a number of travel publications. As I sift and cull through all that information, I will curate the best of it to share here on my website.
In essence, as your virtual nanny, my hope is to help you organize your "stuff" as you prepare, and provide guidance to more pleasant travels.
Feel free to leave a comment or question, or to make recommendations of your own. Courteous and thoughtful exchanges will be welcome.

Minimizing Costs, Maximizing Good Will
Airlines, hotel chains, and time shares can provide reward programs, earning valuable points you can parlay into your next vacation.
You have to buy groceries, gas, and clothing anyway, so why not see if your bank has a debit card linked to your favorite airline or hotel? The points add up faster than you can imagine, giving you discounted airfares and hotel upgrades.
There are different programs, but the time shares we have belong to a global network, so a week at our home resort can be traded for a week nearly anywhere in the world. (While properties are advertised as being of comparable capacity and quality, it is important to remember that an Italian villa probably won't have a king size bed, because the ancient, winding stairways could not accommodate the installation of such a beast. Likewise, you aren't likely to find central air conditioning in coastal Scotland, because even though your room may be a bit stuffy in August, such days are so fleeting on the North Sea that air conditioning would be cost prohibitive. So throw open that window and take a deep breath of the fresh, salty air!
While we're talking about adapting to cultural variations in accommodations, I'd like to offer a word about civility and kindness. When lodging a legitimate complaint, please consider being a positive ambassador for your fellow countrymen and women. Speaking in gentle and positive terms goes a long way toward maintaining a friendly unity. I dare not count how often we've heard people complain in rude and abusive terms, or say things like, "In AMERICA, our beds are MUCH more comfortable!" You might be told to stay home, if your beds are that great!